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BONDS, swearing off steroids

BONDS, swearing off steroids

July 19, 2007

The three Chicago organizers call their initiative BONDS, short for Battle On for No Drug Sports. It's an effort to celebrate Hank Aaron's imperiled home run record, which, the organizers say "should stand the test of time or true effort, not the test of laboratory strength."

BONDS. Why does that sound familiar?

Anyway, attorneys Marty Dolan and Bob Milan, along with public-relations executive Bill Figel, are pals who think of themselves as "The Three Concerned Dads" of Little League ballplayers. While the rest of us are debating grown-up concepts of hallowed sports achievements and scarlet asterisks to identify cheaters in record books, these three have been thinking about their impressionable kids, and other people's too. What those kids see on television varies from denunciation to celebration of cheaters. Kids being kids, they focus on the celebration. Wow! Somebody's going to top Hank Aaron!